Each program will contain instruction in a combination of the following skills. Participates displaying proficiency in a skill will receive a badge of recognition. Badges of skill recognition will be service as prerequisites for advanced programs (i.e. Wilderness Leadership Training)
Rock climbing skills will also include rope work and team work. Rock climbing at Coast Adventure School is conducted at known outdoor climbing locations that are well maintained and in safe and well supervised manner. Participates will learn necessary knots, gear usage, strategy, terminology and safety.
This skill includes knots, knot usage, rope systems, rope types and rope maintenance. Rope work is an integral component of mountain and ocean recreation.
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Participates will learn how to identify common coastal and alpine trees and plants that will aid in developing wilderness survival and awareness skills.
Trip planning will including, location and access logistics, group considerations, weather, gear selection, emergency planning, and much more. These skills will be taught as a component of our Wilderness Leadership Program.
Wilderness awareness is a skill that constantly evolves over time spent outdoors. No one course or program will make you a master of this skill. Our goal is to kick start the journey to becoming a wilderness master by teaching the basic in animal behaviour and methods to avoid conflict.
Participates will learn to assess risks and hazards associated with wilderness recreation and develop plans to address incidents and emergencies.
Participates will learn how to keep dry and warm using limited supplies. Participates will gain skills in fire and shelter construction and learn essentials for surviving in the wilderness for multiple days. This skill will be offered as a component of the Wilderness Leadership Program.
Leadership skills are developed through hands-on exercises that build confidence and teach participates to overcome personal objectives and make decisions that benefit the group.
Mountain trekking skills will include alpine terrain and route selection, gear selection, gear usage, food and water preparation, group organizations, group check in procedures, risk assessments, trekking safety and group decision making.
This skill includes map, compass and GPS usage and understanding. Triangulation for position and route finding. And, terrain recognition.